Saturday, August 16, 2014

PRK eye surgery - Day 8

Ok, this was a bad day.  I planned on going to work but woke up feeling really tired and couldn't focus very well.  My right eye was fuzzy and a bit sore.  I had a personal appointment in the afternoon so I went to that.  Before I left I put on a little mascara for the first time.  After about 2 hours my right eye started to itch a little so I put in the last of my BION drops and headed home.  While driving it felt like I had something in my eye.  By the time I got home the pain was really bad.  I put in more drops when I got home and lay down for a while.  It got increasingly bad throughout the evening to the point where I couldn't take the pain anymore and I used the tetracaine pain drops.  It helped for about 1 minute but the pain got worse and worse.  My husband said it looked like I had a hair in my eye so I flushed and flushed my eye with the BION drops.  It was really bad.  Finally,  not being able to take it anymore, I put in the contact lens the doctor had given me for emergencies.  Instant relief.  I left it in all night.  By morning everything felt better but I still haven't taken the lens out.  I'm lubricating lots and using the drops as directed.  My eyes feel a lot better today.  Vision is clear but much fuzzier than usual.  Hope it gets better than this!  I can see fine but not as clear as I used to see with glasses and my close up reading is atrocious.  I've learned to pull things a bit farther away to bring them into focus,  It actually works but it makes you feel old.

I don't know if I got a hair in my eye, or it just got dry and sticky and it caused a small tear or possibly I got mascara in my eye.  Whatever happened, it hurt a ton and I will be much more careful now.  No more eye makeup for a little while I think.

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