Tuesday, September 15, 2009



Love them.

Love the colour.

Love that they grow without fuss.

Love that you can look up at them instead of down at the weeds.

Love the autumn when they grow and flourish.

Love them.


Monday, September 14, 2009

A woman in denial who is too old for cyberbullying

So I logged onto facebook today to discover a great and fantastic friend had posted pictures of me in my bathing suit. And tagged them. So everyone on facebook who is my friend or her friend got a notification that there are new pictures of me on facebook. Pictures of me in a bathing suit. Unflattering pictures of me in a bathing suit. I am not happy with my weight and my body but I hadn't really thought about how REALLY unhappy I am until I realized how many people who know me have now been alerted to the fact that there are pictures of me in my bathing suit. I lost it. I cried. I wrote nasty e-mails to my dear friend in my head. I thought about eating. Junk food. (but didn't...yet). Then I just wrote a nice polite message that said, "Great pictures from yesterday. Could you kindly remove the pictures of me in my bathing suit." And they were gone. This has given me great insight about cyberbullying and how such an innocent move can be so hurtful. The most harmless intention can be taken as meanness when written out of context or done thoughtlessly. Our kids don't have the maturity and ability to deal with their feelings. They may retaliate against their friends rather than ask politely. I could have gotten angry and posted an unflattering comment or picture about her, if I was 15. Or I could have talked to all our mutual friends about it and made them pick sides. Glad I'm not 15. And, I'm going on a diet. Yikes! Is my butt really that big!? Also, I think I'm done with facebook. I don't need this turmoil in my life. I'm simply too old.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I guess I got busy...

I haven't written a blog entry since June 2008! I don't even know why. My life has been crazy, busy and fun in the last 6 months. My biggest change has been CrossFit. I have been a CrossFitter since about April 2008 but I really got into it in July 2008 and have been doing WOD's (Work Out of the Day) on average 3x week. I am stronger, faster, fitter than I have ever been!
I'm still knitting, running and hanging out with my family...not much is new. Valentines Day this year was a highlight! I decided that I really didn't want to go out for dinner and spend tons of money so I made a gourmet dinner at home. I planned the menu and shopped and the whole family pitched in to make it nice. My husband and the boys set an elegant table using all our finest, or at least, all that we had and filling in with regular stuff if we didn't have enough. We have 5 place settings of my nice Denby pottery and 3 place settings of silverware (that isn't silver but stainless steel). Funny! They boys even dressed in matching outfits. No body ironed their clothes though because we were just staying at home, and no one felt like ironing. That's the difference between going out and staying in.
So now I begin a new attempt at being a blogger. Only I think from now on I am going to keep this as my CrossFit, Knitting, Family blog. Hope my life is interesting enough to read about.