Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm the enabler...

Today I realize that I am upset at my children for having active, engaging lives. And I, I admit, am their enabler. I signed them up for soccer, encourage them to make friends, be kind to others, have fun at school and all other such childhood sports. And now, the very people I have encouraged them to become are seriously getting in the way of me doing the things I like to do. This weekend is the BC Creative Expo in Abbotsford and the Circle Craft Fair. They should call it the Unfair! It's unfair to have both events within driving distance on the same weekend. Not only do I have to choose one or the other. I may possibly have to choose neither. I have 2 soccer games and 2 birthday parties this weekend, all at various ends of the Fraser Valley. It is not possible to expect the husband/partner/co-enabler to handle this all so I can go look at pretty yarn that I promised not to buy until after Christmas. It is especially not fair to ask him to do this after I did it to him last weekend when I left the house at 5:05 am and returned well after midnight so I could participate in the H2H (which was totally fun!) and end the evening dining with great friends (which was also totally fun, although a little too much wine flowed my way). Of course they did join me for the dining part of the day. So now I am in a serious dilemma. I want so badly to go to one or both of the events, but because I insist on my children having lives and enjoying themselves rather than sitting at home in front of the PS2, I am likely going to be missing out on both of them. I guess the up side is that if I stay at home I a) will be able to resist buying more yarn, b) can have a glass of wine or two without figuring out who is driving me home and how I am getting my car back, and c) can work on the Kauni! which I finally have OTN.

Since I haven't finished anything lately except a dazzling "idiot's dishcloth" and don't feel like taking a picture of it, since it is sitting in a heap beside the sink right now and probably should go in the laundry today, here's an old picture of a project I just love and want to share! It is Fibre Trends Felted Clogs personalized with needle felted cute...they adorn my dad's feet. He says they are great at keeping the hardwood floors polished. I like to use Cascade 220 for these because it doesn't pill. I've probably made 12 or more pairs of these out of various yarns and hands down, the 220 wears the best.

Go get entangled!