Sunday, August 10, 2014

PRK Eye surgery - Day 3

This was the hardest day by far. My vision has become quite hazy and boredom has set in. I'm really struggling with reading too! Close up is a blur!  Distance is clear but hazy.

I woke up with very dry, sticky, sore eyes. I quickly put in the cold Bion Tears that aI'm keeping in the fridge, which helped.  Then I did the other drop regime and went back to bed.  My eyes stung and my left eye throbbed a bit.  Got up again and took a Tylenol.  Back to bed.  I listened to an audio book for a while but just wanted to get up and do something.  So bored.  My family had gone fishing in the wee hours of the morning, so when they got home at 9:30 am I just couldn't resist helping them clean up all the gear and fish.  I wore my sunglasses the whole time, inside and out. It was very bright outside!  Off and on throughout the day I put Bion tears in and lay down with my eyes closed for 10 minutes or so.  This brought relief for a while.  I'm resisting using the pain drops as they say they slow healing.  Around 5 o'clock I was so stir crazy and my eyes were really hurting so I caved and put in the pain drops.  Total numbness and trouble focussing.

Then, because of the drops, I felt better so I rode along with my husband to get groceries and gas, just for something to do.

We crossed the border to the USA for cheap gas and stopped by the grocery store to buy some wine.  It's much cheaper in the US than in Canada.  On our walk from the car to the store a young mom with two toddlers in a cart asked us for help.  While getting her kids out of the huge, black SUV she closed the door with her keys and cell phone inside and the vehicle automatically locked up tight.  Her eight month old baby was still inside.  We checked all the doors and tried to open it but it was all locked. The baby was asleep.  It was about 28 degrees out and the vehicle was in direct sun.  She had no one to call (and no way to call with her cell phone inside).  My husband ran inside the get the store manager to help.  He sauntered out and asked her if she had any way of opening the SUV.  She was staying very calm, for the sake of her two other babies, and she told him she needed him to call someone for help.  He seemed slow to understand so I  said, very clearly, "There is a baby inside a vehicle on a hot day.  Call 911." He did.  About 5 minutes later the border patrol services showed up.  He said he couldn't really help because there was a fight nearby that he needed to deal with.  He indicated the police were on their way.  At this point the little kids were getting antsy, the 3 year old starting to fuss and cry,  the mom was staying calm but I could tell she was trying to keep her cool for the little ones.  So I spoke up again.  I said, it's been more than 15 minute.  We need to get the baby out.  We need to break a window.  The mom agreed that she wanted to do that.  The border patrol guy got a small tool out of his car but his demeanour couldn't have been more hesitant and weak.  He says, "I'm not able to do this for liability reasons." My husband puts his hand out and says, "Give it to me."  He looks at the young mom and asks he if she wants him to break the window, she agrees she does.  He takes a few seconds to choose the best window, furthest from the baby, chooses the passenger front window, as the baby is rear facing directly behind the driver seat. He takes the hammer, a small yellow object with a very pointy head on one side, and taps gently on the right, bottom corner of the front passenger window.  Nothing happens. He taps a little harder, nothing.  He goes for it and the window breaks, a small hole at first then it shatters. He pulls away some of the glass then calls the mom over to get her to unlock the car.  She does and then immediately runs around and gets her crying, hot baby out.  Relief all around. A very exciting trip to the grocery store!

By the time we got home I realized I hadn't thought about my eyes at all.  And the pain drops were wearing off.  For the rest of the night I was using the cold Bion tears lots and by bedtime I put more pain drops in.  It might have been a mistake to use them before going out as they made me careless about my eyes by masking the pain.  I'll try to not use them tomorrow but opt to close my eyes and rest whenever they start to hurt. Keeping the Bion tears in the fridge was a great suggestion by the doctor.  The cool relief is fantastic.

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