Friday, August 8, 2014

PRK Eye surgery - Day 1

Yesterday, On August 7 I finally got laser eye surgery.  While I booked and cancelled this surgery 3 or 4 times since last May, I finally just decided that I'm worth it! And I'm brave! So I did it!  My husband did it over a year ago and his recovery was long and agonizing.  It made me hesitant.  Not because I couldn't handle the pain, I can.  But because I always feel bad taking time off work.

So here I am on this sunny Friday in August.  Sitting in a dark room, wearing sunglasses, with my room darkening blinds closed and my iPad backlight set to the dimmest setting.  I found that reading other peoples experiences were helpful to read so here I go.

August 6 - last day of work before the surgery.

I went to work as usual, dressing up and putting my makeup on as usual.  I printed off the relevant sick days forms which are required by my HR department, sent an email reminding my boss that I'd be away for the next 2 days and I'd likely see her Monday.  Upon my arrival home, my husband greeted me with a kiss and asked me if I am nervous.  I said yes, a bit.  So he made me a vodka and soda with cranberry juice, fresh mint leaves and a lemon wedge. Yum!

I decided to sit down with the little info booklet the doctor's office had mailed me.  As I read I came across these two tidbits:

1. No eye make up 48 hours before surgery. Oops!  I jumped up and carefully removed all my eye make up, rinsing my eyes well. I don't wear that much make up so hopefully that's ok.
2. No alcoholic beverages 24 hours prior to surgery. Oops again! I quickly finished it and turned the page.  One drink. Pretty weak.  No biggie.  I'll drink extra water to rehydrate.

August 7 - day of surgery

My surgery was set for 12:15.  11:15 arrival time.  So I had lots of time to get there.  I got up at 5:30 am as usual, went to my CrossFit box, had my last workout for a while, wearing glasses because I haven't been allowed to wear contacts for the last 2 weeks.  The glasses have been a total pain, sliding down my nose and bouncing around.  So glad I'm getting surgery.  I was running with a medicine ball held up on my shoulder at one point and it kept bumping the arm of my glasses behind my ear, causing them to fly off. Seriously!  Can't. Wait. To. Not. Wear. Glasses.

10:00 am off to the doctors office.  It's a 1 hour drive from Langley to  Vancouver.  Scott was driving me and our 12 year old son was begrudgingly coming along.  We didn't want to leave home home alone but the little book said not to bring children to the clinic. I'm hoping they meant little children because I think it's interesting to watch this surgery on the screen in the waiting room.  A little science class!

11:15 - we arrive, park, check in.  They realize that my initial appointment was over a year ago so they want to redo all the tests.  So I spend the next 2 hours reading charts, looking at bright lights, testing dominant eye and answering questions about my lupus symptoms and sufferings.  The boys got hungry and went and found a snack at the Urban Fare grocery store downstairs.  Chicken fingers and fries.  Yum!  It smelled so good I had to sneak a few bites.  Best fries ever!  Finally they take me in for my surgery.  Scott had warned me to dress warmly because he felt cold during the surgery. I wore yoga pants, a t-shirt and a light sweatshirt,socks and runners.  I was very comfortable.  All morning I had been thirsty so I drank a ton of water resulting in countless trips to the toilet right up to minutes before the procedure. At least it gave me a chance to wash my greasy fingers.  Scott and Silas were right with me, but when I was led to the table they went into the room next door and watched on a video screen.

I lay on the table with my head in a hollowed out pillow form and my knees bent over a support.  The assistant put some drops in my eyes, covered my left eye with gauze and the surgeon put a holder in my right eye.  It held my lids open.  It pinched a little.  He then put a metal ring on my eyeball which I couldn't feel at all.  The rest went quickly but he swabbed and dabbed, then told me to watch a red light/dot, then I smelled burning flesh and saw fuzzy red lights, I tried to stare at the red dot but it was really hard. He kept reminding me.  My whole body was tense and I felt like I was going to grind my teeth hard and I wanted to clench my fists, so I kept my mouth open and my hands held flat.  Then he dropped something freezing into my eye and said the first eye was done.  I forced myself to breathe and relax. I was totally rigid from head to toe!  I let go and relaxed.  He started on the second eye.  I just kept telling myself, "relax, relax, relax, but don't move!"

Then it was over.  They took me into the room with my husband and son, gave me some drops and said to rest for 20 minutes. So I did.  I tried not to peek but the temptation was too great.  I opened one eye slowly.  I could see!  Without glasses!  It was hazy but not blurry.  Another quick check
and I was sent home with a pouch of drops and a pile of directions.

The drive home was very uncomfortable.  I took a Tylenol/Advil combo as soon as we got in the car.  It was hot and my A/C doesn't work so we had to have the windows down.  The wind and the sun was excruciating.  I wore the big, dark, Ray Charles glasses they gave me and tried to block the sun with my hands.  I fell asleep for about half the ride.  The pain was getting worse.  I just wanted to get home.  Of course my husband had to stop to renew his car insurance as it was expiring today so that took extra time. I was grouchy and irritable by the time we got home.  And thirsty!!

Once I got home I took 2 T3s,  leftover from my son's dental surgery last year, drank a ton of water and went to bed in a dark room, with my sunglasses on.  I basically slept the rest of the day and night.  When I woke up at 4am I put in the Bion Tears drops which I had refrigerated, and followed the other drops schedule as directed.  I hadn't taken any pain drops yet.  My pain level was quite low as long as I sat quietly in a dark room with my eyes shut.  I tried to listen to an audio book but I kept dozing off.  My eyes felt hazy, dry, a bit fuzzy and I had a small amount of pain.  Drops, drops, drops!

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