Tuesday, February 5, 2008

There are girls in my house.

Last week a friend of mine came to stay. Him and his wife (my friend too) are having some trouble and we are trying to be supportive. So he came to stay with us so he could be closer to his family while they work through their stuff. Last night 2 of his kids slept over. Two girls. There were girls in my house. Here are a few things that I noticed about girls.
1. They are quiet in the morning.
2. They smell nice.
3. They brush their teeth without being asked.
4. They comb their hair (a lot) without being asked.
5. They (these two) like to read quietly on the couch.
6. When they leave for school they look nice (and...see #2 above) even though their mom wasn't here to do that final check.
7. They smile and say thank you when you get them breakfast. Imagine that.

I like girls. I like these girls. I should get me some.

This photo was taken last summer when we spent our vacation with them in Nelson, BC. Good times.

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