Monday, February 4, 2008

Have you ever had a friend

1. Who calls to say she's coming over and you don't clean up? Not one bit?
2. Who makes you feel good just being around her?
3. Who is smart and funny and beautiful?
4. Who you admire not because of what she does but of who she is?
5. Who would wear your old sweats that you normally sleep in or paint in or garden in, and doesn't complain because it means she can sleep over even if she didn't bring a toothbrush?
6. Whose husband you love? Just like that? Even if he's done bad things? But because she loves him, you do too?
7. Whose kids you adore?
8. Who you pray will have something good happen to her very soon because she really deserves it? And nothing good has happened to her for a while?
9. Who you want to give everything to just so she'll be ok?
10. Who looks really together on the outside but who you know is falling apart on the inside and that's ok because she can fall apart at your house?

Have you ever had a friend like that? I have.

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