Tuesday, February 19, 2008

EZ Bind Off

Have you ever tried Elizabeth Zimmerman's EZ sewn bind off? It is really cool. Essentially you thread your tail onto a blunt darning needle then use the needle (as if) to purl two stitches, go back and (as if to) knit one, drop knitted stitch. Repeat purl, purl, knit, drop. It is the best bind off I have ever used on a sock. I love it. On this sock I did 7 rows knit then EZ sewn bind off so the result is that the top curls down which is the intended effect. I read the method in Cat Bordhi's book but I happen to have Knitting Without Tears out from the library so I went and checked the original instructions. IMO, Cat Bordhi's are easier to read and follow and I like her finishing technique of casting off the first stitch twice. Very cool. Note: this sewn cast off uses more thread than you think. Leave a long tail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.