Friday, September 14, 2007

It's a sh**ty job..

So here's the news for today. Amber, the dog, is better. She is really better! I nearly spent over $1000 to get a vet to do what nature did for free. We still aren't sure what was wrong but my baby is back! She greeted me at the door with some random piece of clothing in her mouth, as she is wont to do. It is this little habit that had me suspicious that she had eaten something that didn't want to make a graceful exit out the other end. So, being the curious sort that I am, I picked up her first poop and dissected it. Oh, yes I did! I wore gloves of course. Which I promptly disposed of after this exercise. No amount of bleach would satisfy me that they were clean after the thoroughly disgusting job I did CSIing her poop. And what did I find? A piece of corn cob about a half an inch long. Ick! Did she eat the whole thing? Was it just this little bit that didn't want to move through the miles of intestinal track? Who knows. But my baby is back! Only a mother could dissect poop out of mere curiousity. Perhaps I am overstating it. Perhaps I am the only woman on earth who would dissect dog poop to solve a mystery. I seriously should sign up for that forensic accounting course I have been considering. I have a curious mind that must be satisfied. Now I have to go knit so I can write about what interesting knitting I am doing with my thoroughly clean hands.

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