Monday, December 17, 2007

Not much use...

There isn't much use to having a blog if A. No one reads it and B. You never post. So I have to change those two things. I have to start posting more regularly and I have to let people know I have a blog. I have been a closet blogger I guess. I don't want anyone to know for fear they will think I'm weird. But I guess I am a bit weird so that's ok.

What have I been doing? Well, I bought that lovely Cat Bordhi book New Pathways for Sock Knitters and I LOVE it! I knit up the two sample socks right away and had a blast. Then I measured my son's foot to start working out the master sock pattern but never got beyond that. I need some yarn that will inspire me. Here are my sample socks.

Don't you just love the way the gusset appears. I especially love the one on the right called Coriolas or something like that (too lazy to go look in the book right now). If you love sock knitting and you feel like giving your brain a little boost, this is a lot of fun.
What else is new in this busy life? 10 things:

1. My basement flooded and is in the process of being repaired by the restoration company. What a mess.
2. My son sang in the Christmas Choir at church. Very cute.

3. I am having my family over for Christmas Eve in spite of the fact that I feel totally burned out and unable to entertain in the mess (see #1 above). Good times.

4. I haven't run in 2 weeks (but who's counting, right).

5. I haven't done any Christmas baking yet.

6. I joined Ravelry but haven't had time to properly explore it.

7. My dog has a big lump on its tail that is worrying me but I don't want to go the vet in case he tells me something really bad.

8. I only have 7 things to share.

9. Number nine is the same as number eight (above).

10. Tonight is the big "Christmas Concert" at my kids elementary school. Pictures to follow.

And that is my entangled life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl:
I always check your blog and hope there is something new. I wish you blogged more often. I always enjoy your stories. You should be a writer. No seriously, I am so bad at writing. In school I always barely made it with essays.
I will go now and do some christmas baking with the kids. Hope to see you guys soon.
Merry Christmas